There are many other organisations campaigning against threats to the NHS locally and nationally. Any of them would welcome your support.
The NHS Support Federation is an independent organisation that works to promote a comprehensive NHS, with equitable access and active public involvement. They also organise national protests.
The campaign was launched in September 2005 and has won the backing of hundreds of senior doctors, academics, health workers and trade union leaders, celebrities, MPs and local campaigners. They also organise national protests.
We are indebted to the Banbury Guardian for the huge amount of support and publicity they have given us over the years. Their support has been vital in raising public awareness of the threat to the Horton.
Email: [email protected] If you email us, we may send you updates by email, unless you ask us not to. We hope that's OK because it's the best way we have of keeping everyone up to date - and it doesn't cost us anything! We won't give your details to anyone else.
Phone our chairman Keith on 07740 599736 Please leave a message if we don't answer immediately