Right now, we're gathering and analysing as much information as we can about what's going on, from patients, staff, politicians, people on committees, and of course OUHT management.
We've written to 133 local GPs about the threat - the OUHFT hadn't consulted them yet. We've also written to, and encouraged our supporters to write to, their MP, the OUH board and governors, and parish councils.
We've created a survey to find out what the people of Banburyshire REALLY want - complete it here.
We're organising protests and awareness events in Banbury and Oxford, and joining in with national anti-STP campaigns
We're part of the Community Partnership Network (a group set up after the last campaign to bring all the stakeholders together) which meets to discuss proposals and give feedback. We proposed a motion to strike the worst of the options from consideration altogether, but we were voted down, so the fight goes on.
We're getting the message out via facebook, twitter, our email supporter group, and village magazines.
We're engaging with politicans at all levels, from local to national government.
We're producing and distributing information leaflets.
We're fundraising.
We're looking for active volunteers.
To contact us at the Keep the Horton General Campaign;
Email: [email protected]
Follow us on twitter @saveourhorton
Phone our chairman Keith Stangwood on 07740 599736